"We Become What 

We Think About"

-Earl Nightingale

About Greg Taylor

Greg Taylor is on a mission to empower leaders through the power of personal transformation.

Using a process of insight and discovery he’s perfected over 30-plus years of successes, failures, triumphs, and bruises in corporate and personal leadership, he helps people learn from and inspire themselves – and in the process, make powerful, lasting change that touches everyone around them.

Greg understands that the relentless pursuit of excellence is about steady progress. If we’re willing to make daily improvements, no matter how incremental, those improvements will build over time into a complete transformation.

He’s not here to drive you toward some idealized vision of perfection. He’s here to help you find you – to discover your own winning edge – and to help you write your own story of passion, achievement, and excellence. 

Greg judges his own effectiveness by the success of his clients. In his mind, he hasn’t done his job until you’ve learned the practical processes that put you on a path toward achieving your goals.

So he helps you take a step. Then another. And another. 

Until you arrive at the life you want most.

To learn more about Greg’s system and find out if it’s the right fit for you, reach out today. And see for yourself just how far those steps can take you.

Then let’s grow.

Winning Edge Named

Top 20 Leadership Development Training/Coaching Companies 2022

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Purchase the Find Your Winning Edge eBook Today

Lessons and Stories About How To Find Your Winning Edge In Life And Business

This book is about my favorite subject - You! On my journey of failure and success, struggle and satisfaction, my greatest joy has come from helping others become the very best version of themselves. Like you, I've had some wins and taken some knocks. At every step along the way there have been lessons for me to learn. Taking each experience as an opportunity to improve, I have found what I truly believe is my Winning Edge. Join with me, and let's find the Winning Edge within you!

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Weekly Fuel

By Greg Taylor February 7, 2024
My life is about equipping people with tools to help them and others Find Their Winning Edge. One of those tools is to embrace the mindset to Be Your Best! Not THE best, but YOUR best. This is a critical distinction, as, by definition, only a small number can actually be THE best at anything. If we hold this up as our standard, then its achievability makes it uninspiring, even deflating. But anyone can be THEIR best.  There are three elements that inform this mindset: 1) Purpose drives our energy 2) Be relentless 3) Compete against yourself
By Greg Taylor February 7, 2024
My mission is to inspire you to Find Your Winning Edge in becoming an Inspirational Leader! Module 10 of our inspirational leadership workshop, Take Another Step System, we discuss 4 mindsets that can and will help you Find Your Winning Edge! I’m going to share with you four critical mindset mantras to help you Find Your Winning Edge. These mindsets are best exemplified in common phrases you’ve probably heard before, but I want you to read further and consider how these can impact you and others around you. They will create an EDGE for you, your family, your community, and team! In the upcoming weeks and we will be discussing each of the following: Be Your Best Seize the Day Make a Play Be a Champion Here’s a quick summary:
By Greg Taylor February 7, 2024
A Thanksgiving mindset will increase your performance! This Thursday what are you going to give thanks for? Will you have a grateful heart for all the good things that exist in your life? In 2012, I traveled approximately 130,000 miles. I was away all week from my wife and kids. My boys went through their senior years with me on the road. I was trying to make plays in my career, while also trying to stay connected with my boys and their big senior events, but I felt like I was missing out. Did I make it to all of them? No, but I did make it to most of them! That year on the many nights away from home I would stand up and thank God for all the blessings that I had in my life. I did this simple thing as part of my routine for over a year. NIKE’s slogan says, Just do it. So, I did it! I am so glad I did because now my ability to manage stress has become easier. My stress management is not easy, just easier. The outcome was an attitude of gratitude for my family and what I have. I’m grateful that was the turning point that shifted my mindset to gratefulness and I’ve never looked back. The Greater Good Science Center has research showing that gratitude is good for a person’s body, mind, and relationships. I understand being grateful in the midst of a problem, failure, abuse, or a pandemic is tough. In order to FIND YOUR WINNING EDGE, gratitude is something you should try because the rewards are two-fold.
By Greg Taylor February 7, 2024
The #KISS method will increase Performance! “Keep it Simple” #KISS A leader is a person who can inspire another to take a journey that they will not take by themselves. Winning Edge’s Take Another Step System, an inspirational leadership workshop, shows us 5 ways to inspire another person. Today we will discuss #4, The Kiss Method, Keep it Simple; last week we discussed I Got Your Back. “The liberation of simplicity”.--Mark Rembert Keep things simple for your people, and remember complexity is the enemy of clarity. In my 35+ years in business, the best leaders that I have seen are those who can take something complicated and make it simple! Your people will be energized and inspired when you can do that for them. Remember, each person has a different set of skills, experience, and level of education. Three things to consider to Keep it Simple! 1.Choose the right person for the right task 2.Establish routines 3.Eat the elephant one bite at a time
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